Welcome to the SmartOcean Platform

The SmartOcean digital ecosystem is a system-of-systems comprised of data consumer systems and applications, data provider systems and applications, external data services, end-user applications, and the Smart Ocean Data Service and Application Platform for development and deployment of smart ocean applications.

The platform is developed as part of the SFI Smart Ocean centre for research-based innovation funded by the Norwegian Research Council involving research and industry partners focussing on key challenges in developing smart ocean systems. The three main focus areas of the centre are: underwater sensor and measurement technology; underwater wireless sensor networks based on acoustic communication; and the Smart Ocean Platform for cloud-based data- and application services.

Software technology and services

Data spaces

Uniform access to data and meta-data for historical time series data and external data sources


Publishing data and subscribing to real-time data stream from underwater sensor networks

Edge integration

Integration with underwater sensor networks for providing marine data and exercising control

Data consumers

Systems comprised of end-user applications, dashboards, and interactive visual analytics

Data providers

Systems providing marine data streams and data-sets for the platform data services


Standardised cloud APIs, data and meta-data formats for service and application integration


Identity management for authentication and authorization in relation to platform services.

Data quality control

Automated assessment of data quality, measurement quality, and data integrity


Metrics and key performance indicators for platform observability and data stream status